
Realty investment is a known way to generate more or less constant profit. However, today the realty industry including construction, rental, management etc. does not use numerous benefits of the blockchain technology.

Firstly, the traditional offline (off-chain) investment ecosystem serves wealthy elite clients while the vast majority is excluded. Our RCI token is to solve this problem allowing almost anyone with a minimal cryptocurrencies knowledge to participate in our cryptoinvestment fund and receive corresponding part of the profits.

Secondly, with the exponential growth of ICOs, it becomes more and more dangerous to participate in them due to unrealistic business models, little experience in the corresponding field or simply scam. Realty Crypto Investment Company addresses this problem by its international team, which consists of realty professionals with many years of experience in building, buying, selling and management of realty.

At Realty Crypto Investment Company, we aim to create a valuable realty investment platform using a community-centric approach ensuring that investment services will always be delivered in accordance with the community’s best interests. Our investors can be sure that by using blockchain we respect the fairness, accessibility, transparency and trust.



Realty Crypto Investment Company’s Team is comprised of experienced realty professionals, developers and advisors, providing quality services to the community. Our team capitalizes on its successful previous experience in achieving cutting-edge performances under strict risk management constraints.

Understanding and mastering investment management is an art that requires years of experience. While cryptocurrencies are a brand-new and rapidly growing asset class, investment strategies used in traditional asset classes can be applied to successfully leverage cryptocurrencies value.
Team members list is available on our website: (the “Website”) and is subject to change over time.

ICO highlights

Total amount of tokens: 100,000,000 (one hundred million)
Price per 1 (one) token: $0.50 USD (zero point fifty cents of the US dollar)
Minimum contribution: 100 USD (one hundred US dollar)
Token convenient name: RCI
Technology: ERC-20 Standard-based token
Ethereum contract address: 0xc0Bd05407FBE1fb6461ce6f33e487A573551b927
Start date: February 22, 2018
End date: May 20, 2018 (may be extended to reach the closest cap)
Hard cap: $45,000,000 USD (90,000,000 RCI sold)
Soft cap: $5,000,000 USD / 25,000,000 USD (10,000,000 RCI / 50,000,000 RCI sold correspondingly)
Currencies accepted: ETH, BTC, XRP, BCH, LTC (cryptocurrencies only)

Token distribution policy key principles
• Realty Crypto Investment Company distributes all of the RCI tokens (100%) to investors
• There are no pre-sale, after-sale and any other kinds of discounts
• 90% of RCI tokens are to be sold during the ICO
• 10% of RCI tokens are to be used as a reward for bounty program participants
• Any unused tokens are denied for further distribution after the RCI ICO has finished

It is important to understand that the team does not allocate any tokens for themselves. Otherwise, as soon as you invest you are losing money immediately as your share of the total is smaller than what you put in. Discounts are another unfair practice in some other token funds. This practice automatically generates a gain for investors with the highest discounts and a loss for investors with the lowest, while they are all investing at the same point in time, with the same risk.
For further information, please refer to the Token Sale Terms available on the Website.

Roadmap & Business Development Plan

Realty Crypto Investment Company provides investors with a transparent, diversified and unbiased source of performance through different investment strategies. We believe that diversification and quantitative tactical asset allocation are key to a portfolio’s long-term growth. We have a strong commitment on generating revenues from day one. By positioning ourselves as a bridge between off-chain & on-chain investment world, our main objective is to offer investment solutions that can fit both worlds. That is why we decided to designate three milestones and will choose different way to use investments depending on caps reached.

Our first soft cap is $5,000,000 USD (five million). After reaching this goal, we will start investments in finished small (mini) hotels and apartments. This well-known industry generates averagely 5- 10% depending on the location.

Our second soft cap is $25,000,000 USD (twenty five million) and then we will start investments in finished medium-size hotels and in building new ones. A part of new hotels may be sold later, however, lower entry cost and ability to use a just finished hotel directly gives higher profit.

Finally, our hard cap of $45,000,000 USD (forty five million) opens wide opportunities for building larger hotels and commercial property (like shopping malls)from scratch and thus maximize overall profit.


Vox populi

We believe that the essence comes from swarm intelligence and that everyone who contribute to the project should have proportional influence on the company’s investment policy. Swarm intelligence focuses on the collective behaviors that result from the local interactions of the individuals with each other and with their environment, by using decentralized control and selforganization.

With the issuance of the RCI token, we will become community-centric investment company aligned with the interests of all investors. Token holders will have the opportunity to participate in the development of the company through the voting system. RCI token holders will receive the ability to choose between certain realty objects previously analyzed and approved by our advisors. The voting power will be weighted based on the amount of RCI tokens users hold at the time of the referendum announcement and it will not cost any RCI tokens to vote. The wisdom of the community is a powerful asset often underestimated in today’s monopolistic banking system. Having a trustworthy source of opinion results in higher customer satisfaction and access to swarm intelligence results in higher profit margins for the company.

Bounty campaign

As stated in the “ICO highlights” section, 10% of tokens are reserved for bounty program.
It is very simple: we provide personal referral link for each registered user, which is supposed to be posted somewhere, in the user’s blog, feed etc. Spamming is not allowed obviously. After another previously not registered user comes and creates a new account, all subsequent payments will be rewarded with 5% more tokens for both users.
Social Media       
Facebook    (FB login required) #RCIICO
Telegram    - main Company’s channel - CEO’s personal channel


Nothing in this document constitutes investment, legal tax or other advice nor is it to be relied upon in making an investment decision. You are responsible for your personal finances. Although we try to bring accurate information, under no circumstances can or do the Realty Crypto Investment Company and its owners, contributors, authors and partners warrant the completeness or accuracy of the content, or its usefulness for any particular purpose. Therefore, the Realty Crypto Investment Company and its owners, contributors, authors and partners make absolutely no promises or warranties, nor accept responsibility for any liability, injury or damage that you may cause or incur when using the information provided in this document.

All information and content provided in this document is to be used on an “as is” basis. We encourage you to research all information provided on this site thoroughly with other advice out on the web and from other sources and weigh it to your particular circumstances to be applied accordingly. None of the information provided on this document is meant to be used in replacement of professional advice and the users are encouraged to seek such advice before making any decision. It is solely up to the user to determine if advice is safe and suitable for their particular situation. Backtested Returns are not actual returns and there is no guarantee that past returns will persist and/or generate future returns. No recommendation is made positive or otherwise regarding individual securities or tokens mentioned herein. No guarantee is made as to the accuracy of the information provided which has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. The information contained in this document is intended only for use of the person to whom Realty Crypto Investment Company has provided the material.

For the time being, Realty Crypto Investment Company is not an investment advisor, a bank, a broker or a dealer and therefore does not participate in the offer, sale or distribution of securities, nor does it provide any investment advice.

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None of the information provided on Realty Crypto Investment is meant to be used in replacement of professional advice and the users are encouraged to seek such advice before making any decision. It is solely up to the user to determine if advice is safe and suitable for their particular situation.


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